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Pero también se ha de decir que la violencia de los ataques, los incendios y pillajes están destrozando viviendas y comercios de gente que está igual de puteada que ellos, que en lugar de ayudar a los compañeros heridos se dedican a robar las pertenencias de los heridos en la calle...
Sí puedo recomendaros, en cambio, el post Panic on the streets of London de Penny Red*. Para los que no leáis inglés y paséis de traductores automáticos, London's burning del blog en Público Civismos incívicos, para daros un buen contexto de la situación (vía tweet de Ciudadano Zero).
Copio sólo algunos trozos para los que no vayáis a seguir el enlace, las negritas son mías:
I’m huddled in the front room with some shell-shocked friends, watching my city burn. The BBC is interchanging footage of blazing cars and running street battles in Hackney, of police horses lining up in Lewisham, of roiling infernos that were once shops and houses in Croydon and in Peckham. Last night, Enfield, Walthamstow, Brixton and Wood Green were looted; there have been hundreds of arrests and dozens of serious injuries, and it will be a miracle if nobody dies tonight. This is the third consecutive night of rioting in London, and the disorder has now spread to Leeds, Liverpool, Bristol and Birmingham. Politicians and police officers who only hours ago were making stony-faced statements about criminality are now simply begging the young people of Britain’s inner cities to go home. Britain is a tinderbox, and on Friday, somebody lit a match. How the hell did this happen? And what are we going to do now?
[...] Speaking from his Tuscan holiday villa, Prime Minister David Cameron – who has finally decided to return home to take charge - declared simply that the social unrest searing through the poorest boroughs in the country was "utterly unacceptable." [...]
Violence is rarely mindless. The politics of a burning building, a smashed-in shop or a young man shot by police may be obscured even to those who lit the rags or fired the gun, but the politics are there. Unquestionably there is far, far more to these riots than the death of Mark Duggan, whose shooting sparked off the unrest on Saturday, when two police cars were set alight after a five-hour vigil at Tottenham police station. A peaceful protest over the death of a man at police hands, in a community where locals have been given every reason to mistrust the forces of law and order, is one sort of political statement. Raiding shops for technology and trainers that cost ten times as much as the benefits you’re no longer entitled to is another. A co-ordinated, viral wave of civil unrest across the poorest boroughs of Britain, with young people coming from across the capital and the country to battle the police, is another.
[...] The truth is that very few people know why this is happening. They don’t know, because they were not watching these communities. Nobody has been watching Tottenham since the television cameras drifted away after the Broadwater Farm riots of 1985. Most of the people who will be writing, speaking and pontificating about the disorder this weekend have absolutely no idea what it is like to grow up in a community where there are no jobs, no space to live or move, and the police are on the streets stopping-and-searching you as you come home from school. [...]
[...] after decades of being ignored and marginalised and harassed by the police, after months of seeing any conceivable hope of a better future confiscated, they are finally on the news. In one NBC report, a young man in Tottenham was asked if rioting really achieved anything:
"Yes," said the young man. "You wouldn't be talking to me now if we didn't riot, would you?"
"Two months ago we marched to Scotland Yard, more than 2,000 of us, all blacks, and it was peaceful and calm and you know what? Not a word in the press. Last night a bit of rioting and looting and look around you."
Eavesdropping from among the onlookers, I looked around. A dozen TV crews and newspaper reporters interviewing the young men everywhere ‘’’
There are communities all over the country that nobody paid attention to unless there had recently been a riot or a murdered child. Well, they’re paying attention now.
[...] Riots are about power, and they are about catharsis. They are not about poor parenting, or youth services being cut, or any of the other snap explanations that media pundits have been trotting out: structural inequalities, as a friend of mine remarked today, are not solved by a few pool tables. People riot because it makes them feel powerful, even if only for a night. [...]
[...] The so-called leaders who have taken three solid days to return from their foreign holidays to a country in flames did not anticipate this. [...] They thought that after thirty years of soaring inequality, in the middle of a recession, they could take away the last little things that gave people hope, the benefits, the jobs, the possibility of higher education, the support structures, and nothing would happen. They were wrong. And now my city is burning, and it will continue to burn until we stop the blanket condemnations and blind conjecture and try to understand just what has brought viral civil unrest to Britain. Let me give you a hint: it ain’t Twitter.
[...] We will wake up to fear, and to racism, and to condemnation on left and right, none of which will stop this happening again, as the prospect of a second stock market clash teeters terrifyingly at the bottom of the news reports. Now is the time when we make our choices. Now is the time when we decide whether to descend into hate, or to put prejudice aside and work together. Now is the time when we decide what sort of country it is that we want to live in. Follow the #riotcleanup hashtag on Twitter. And take care of one another.
Lee la entrada completa aquí: Panic in the streets of London
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London Calling - The Clash 1979
*Su blog en general está muy bien, lo tengo enlazado en el blogroll lateralen la sección Activismo.Actualización: Ya está en marcha la contraviral www.riotcleanup a través de la cual centenares de personas están organizándose para ayudar a limpiar las calles y pequeños negocios tras los destrozos y devolver una sensación de comunidad a los barrios. Los hashtags más populares para esta operación son #riotcleanup, #backonitsfeet y #riotwombles. Éste último es un hashtag muy británico, haciendo un guiño a la serie de libros y animación The Wombles sobre unas criaturas que se dedican a limpiar y reciclar la basura que dejan los humanos por ahí ;^)
Twitpic de @Lawcol888 - Batallón de limpieza #riotwombles |
Queda por ver si realmente es sólo un movimiento espontáneo para devolver la tranquilidad a las calles o si hay un transfondo conservador o racista. Por los tweets que estoy leyendo, hay un poco de todo...
Creo que hay gente que realmente quiere ayudar a pequeños comerciantes y a los vecinos de las zonas destrozadas, pero también hay mucho "demostremos que no todos los londinenses somos escoria violenta"... Difícil juzgar cuando tu barrio no está en llamas.
También han salido ya a patrullar las ciudades grupos de jóvenes fachas buscando, estos sí, excusas para liarla.
Más info sobre la UK sin futuro que se llevaba gestando durante décadas.
Y el vídeo que va recorriendo el mundo de la mujer que les recuerda a los chavales por qué se supone que estaban luchando:
Get it real, you black people, get real! - grabado por Matthew Moore
Dejad de entrar en las tiendas de quienes dependen de su negocio. ¿Me entendéis? Esa mujer de la tienda trabaja muy duro para que funcione su negocio. Y la vais a arruinar. ¿Para qué? ¿Para demostrar que estáis muy preocupados y que sois unos malotes? Esto va de un tipo al que mataron en Tottenham, no va de ir por ahí pasándolo bien y destrozando la ciudad. Desengañaos, negros, desengañaos. Luchad por una causa si de verdad sois tan duros. Si vais a luchar, que sea por una puta causa. Estoy cabreada con vosotros, cabreada de la hostia. Me avergüenzo de ser negra como vosotros. Porque no nos estamos juntando para luchar por una causa, estamos juntándonos para robar una tele nueva y destrozar el Foot Locker
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