
El test del lunes: Maneras de aprender

Las tormentas de estos días y el comienzo de las Fiestas de Gràcia nos recuerdan la cruda realidad: Se va acabando el verano. Los que seguimos disfrutando las vacaciones del trabajo procuramos exprimir los últimos días aprovechando que ya no hace tanto calor. Los estudiantes, en cambio, empiezan a preguntarse si les dará tiempo de acabar todas las tareas de verano o/y estudiar las asignaturas pendientes. Y habrá quién se esté planteando un cambio de trabajo o que esté en plena búsqueda de empleo.

Quizá te vaya bien tomarte una pausa y comprobar cuál es tu estilo de aprendizaje con el test What's Your Learning Style.

Respondiendo intuitivamente estas 24 preguntas descubriremos cosas sobre nosotros mismos que nos pueden ayudar a enfocar nuestro aprendizaje, pero también a entender cuáles son nuestras fortalezas y debilidades. En mi caso, el resultado es que tengo más capacidad de aprendizaje interpersonal y verbal-lingüístico, seguido por el lógico-matemático. Estoy de acuerdo, creo :-/

Tras el salto, la descripción larga de las tres áreas más puntuadas. Si tienes curiosidad por cómo definen cada estilo de aprendizaje, ésta es la lista completa.

Kiko Veneno - Desaprender
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You Are a Verbal-Linguistic Learner (75%)
Your mantra: Tell me in words -- written or spoken -- and I will understand.

Verbal-linguistic intelligence (along with logical-mathematical intelligence) is often associated with doing well in school. You have the ability to use words effectively for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The poet has been described as the epitome of verbal-linguistic intelligence.

Tips for the way you learn:

  • Use words to explain complicated subjects.
  • Ask questions.
  • Engage in the Socratic method, digesting information through a question-and-answer exchange.
  • Hone your native ability to tell a story.

You Are an Interpersonal Learner (63%)
Your mantra: I understand what you mean.

Interpersonal learners thrive on social interaction. Friends often ask you for advice because you are understanding and in tune with the people around you and their motives, emotions, perspectives, and moods.

Your ability to manage relationships helps you understand situations and take a leadership role when necessary. You enjoy teaching and sharing your thoughts.

Careers that require insight and the ability to read what someone else is thinking or feeling -- such as teaching, psychology, or sales -- would be a great match for those with interpersonal intelligence.

Tips for the way you learn:

  • Give and receive feedback.
  • Talk out problems.
  • Work on large-group projects so you can use your social abilities to divide up tasks and understand all aspects of the project.
  • Be a part of active learning through mentoring, tutoring, or an apprenticeship. This activity will reinforce your own knowledge or abilities.

You Are a Logical-Mathematical Learner (56%)
Your mantra: Why? Well, because it's logical.

Logical-mathematical intelligence is often what we refer to when we call someone -- such as a mathematician or an engineer -- smart. You possess the ability to understand complex problems, both logical and mathematical. This intelligence asks questions, finds solutions, and reflects on the problem-solving process.

Tips for the way you learn:
  • Think about what you are trying to learn as a puzzle or a formula.
  • Ask questions and allow yourself to experiment with your own hypotheses to find solutions or new answers.
  • Concentrate on symbols, designs, and words to bridge mathematical and verbal logic.
  • Create an outline to understand your subject step by step. Doing so will allow you to stay organized and track what you're learning in a logical sequence.

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