
El test del lunes. Qué tipo de ateo eres?

Un test rapidito de Ok Cupid hoy, para ver qué tipo de atea soy. Ya he hablado del tema otras veces, y con el tiempo he ido evolucionando de panteista en mi juventud a agnóstica, hace unos años, y a dejarme de hostias y rendirme a lo que me dicta la razón.

Imagen sacada de Death By Trolley

Como dice la intro al test, éste parte ya del presupuesto de que eres ateo. Si no lo eres, no es tu test:
First of all, you must know that this test is meant for folks who call themselves "atheists". If you are not an atheist, get the f*** out of here and go and read the Scriptures or blow up some infidels or whatever you usually do...
Me da la risa tonta, lo siento. Yo procuro no ser tan borde, pero me encanta esa actitud... sino, ¿de qué tendría a Poliwhirl entre mis mejores amigas?

El resultado me parece bastante acertado:

Clock bomb rebel

You scored 4 orthodoxy, 1 science, 1 fundamentalism, and 3 socialism!
The maximum for each variable is 5. You are a strong atheist; you regard yourself as being realistic: obviously, there is no reason to believe in God as... there is no reason to believe in fairies or the invisible pink unicorn. You will probably say to an agnostic: "Come on, man, get serious! How can such thing even be? Be a man of honor and admit it!" You are obviously on the right path: no miracle or other bullsh** like that will ever bring you back to church. You like to find out new things about science and you know, as I do, that evolution is right, or that the Universe hasn't been made by an invisible man living in the sky who punishes you when you try to do your laundry on Sundays. But that doesn't seem to be enough for you: philosophy convinced you to reject God. You enjoyed thinking a lot about the things around you and about the purpose of life and you understood pretty quickly that people who claim that God exists worship a logically inconsistent being. No one, even if he's a god, can be all powerful, almighty, all knowing and all loving at the same time. That was actually the last piece in the puzzle. Your view of the world is complete. Let's look at your social nature now: you seem to be gentle and tolerant towards other people's view of the world. You accept or you don't care about what others think, even if it's religion: you leave them have it their way and you don't despise them for that. "They may remain in delusion, if that's what they like", you might say. "Who am I, some god, to judge them?" When it comes to politics, you consider that only the State can bring more happiness to the working class and that all people should be provided the basic necessities, in order to live decently. You find religion to be unfair and that might have also been a reason for deciding to get rid of it, once and for all. Good luck in your proletarian life!

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • orthodoxy Distribution
    You scored 4% on orthodoxy, higher than 59% of your peers.
  • science Distribution
    You scored 1% on science, higher than 18% of your peers.
  • fundamentalism Distribution
    You scored 1% on fundamentalism, higher than 25% of your peers.
  • socialism Distribution
    You scored 3% on socialism, higher than 42% of your peers.

Sex Pistols -Anarchy in the UK. SIN Sid. CON un Johnny desbocado.

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El test del lunes: ¿Qué personaje de Heroes se te parece más?

¿Recordáis la serie Heroes?

Antes de Lost, sí. La de Hiro Nakamura, Peter Petrelli, Sylar y compañía.
Pues Hugo y yo la estamos viendo  devorando estos días. Ya sé que está algo pasada, que todo friki de pro la vio y la abandonó a mediados de la 3ª temporada, pero nosotros acabamos de terminar la primera y ya ando encargando la segunda en la biblioteca. Y nos encanta ver un par de episodios cada noche, comentar la jugada, imaginar cómo seguirá, intentar recordar algo de los episodios sueltos que vimos en su momento... Ya nos desencantaremos, pero de momento es nuestro rato de relax.

Así que, inspirada por nuestras noches de sofá y gato, voy a tomar un test para ver a qué personaje de Heroes me parezco más:  Which Heroes character are you? de Liquid Generation

Bueno, aunque siempre digo que mi personaje favorito es Hiro Nakamura, sí que tengo algo de Niki Sanders... entre otras cosas, la lucha como madre soltera por proteger y conservar a mi hijo!
Entre otras cosas.

Find out what heroes character are you at LiquidGeneration.com!

No hagáis que aflore Jessica!

David Bowie - Heroes

Parálisis Permanente - Héroes

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Corazones y cabrones

Mientras medio mundo (algo menos será) se emociona, es feliz, da rabia o se pone babosa con sus amorsotes por el día de San Valentín, nosotros volvemos a comprobar que la suerte que solía tener me ha abandonado.

No. No voy a tener suerte.
Esta mañana Hugo me llamó, camino del instituto, a decirme que creía que le habían robado la bici otra vez, pero que como se le hacía tarde, iría andando y volvería a revisar la zona por si acaso.

Al mediodía llamó a confirmar que se la han robado.

Esta vez ya no tengo energía ni ánimos para volver a hacer una circular a ver si a alguien le sobra una bici.

Ya sería montar mucho circo en poco tiempo.

La semana que viene tantearemos bicis de segunda mano.

PD: pero si te sobra una bici, ¿nos las pasas? ;^)


Facebook. Cómo contactar con los desarrolladores de NCC

Voy a colgar aquí un tutorial que creé como nota en Facebook para facilitarme su búsqueda en el futuro.

How to REPORT problems with your NC Creds and missing items

The Nightclub City discussion board  is the best place to go when you find you have trouble making an achievement, when you want to share your  opinion on the application or its updates, and when you find some odd bug in the game. You can take part in the hundreds of threads already existing or you can open a new one yourself, if you can't find one suitable to what you want to share. But, as there are hundreds of threads with probably thousands of users, if you want your comment to be read by a NCC developer you'd better post in one of the official threads, which are being checked and reported by Michael.

However, there are certain cases when you are advised, either by Michael himself or by fellow gamers, to contact the game developers directly, specially if you have to claim the missing NC Creds when installing the gamebar or when certain items go missing.

For some reason, it seems many people seem to have trouble finding the Report/contact this app link. It is slightly difficult to find, but easy to spot as soon as someone tells you where to look: right down, at the bottom of the page, below the game, ads  and all the rest of stuff, you'll find a link to Report/contact this app

Go right down to the bottom of the page!

Once you click on that link, choose an option out of the given list. Usually what we would need is the second option, Contact the developer of Nightclub City for information or help.

The second option will help you recover your missing items or creds

Finally, as with any mail or message asking for help, you will get better results if your subject line is clear and precise. If it has to do with NC Credits say so in the subject, or if items got lost mention it clearly -NO NC CREDS AFTER DOWNLOADING TOOLBAR or AVATAR IS MISSING CLOTHES should do- so they can search through the mails to work on the most urgent ones first. Make sure the e-mail you have registered in your Facebook account is the current one, as they shall get in touch as soon as they can through that email account, normally within a few days.

And one last thing: remember the developers are working, not playing, and might not reply to a mail full of insults and swear words -just as you wouldn't like that at your work!

Good luck! ;^)